TSFoundations is a general computer program for the analysis and design of tower foundation. Towers can either have triangular or square cross sections.
- Graphical user interface that is user friendly, interactive, and utilizes state-of the art graphics.
- The scope of the program:

• Design/Analysis of pier and pad foundation supporting guyed mast tower.
• Design/Analysis of spread footing (separate pier and pad for tower leg) for triangular or square self-supporting towers.
• Design/Analysis of mat foundation for monopole tower.
• Design/Analysis of mat foundation (one mat and 3 or 4 piers) for triangular or square self-supporting towers.
• Design/Analysis of anchor block foundations for guyed masts.
• Design/Analysis of drilled caisson foundations supporting all kinds of towers
• Design/Analysis of rock anchors supporting guys of guyed towers
- Capacity assessments follow the applicable codes:

• Canadian CSA S37-01, CSA S37-13, CSA S37-18 and CSA S37-24. American TIA/EIA 222-F, ANSI/TIA-222-G and ANSI/TIA 222-H
• Canadian Standard “Design of Concrete Structures” A23.3-04 and American “Building Code Requirement for Reinforced Concrete” ACI 318-05 for the capacities of reinforced concrete components
- Output is concise, useful and detailed.
- Convenient switch between metric and imperial units at any point of the analysis.